Care N’ Care Campaign

Care N’ Care Campaign

"Star" Digital Mailer "Star" Digital Mailer AEP Digital Mailer AEP Digital Mailer play_arrow Local baseball Hall of Famer, Nolan Ryan, and beloved meteorologist, Troy Dungan, were central in reaching North Texans through TV and digital mailers New Positioning Billboards Digital Mailers TV Commercials Star Campaign Digital Mailers TV Commercials Age-in Campaign Digital Mailers TV Commercial

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Apex Legends Community Series

THE CHALLENGE Remotely manage, capture, and edit spotlight pieces of members from the Apex Legends community. THE CONCEPT & SOLUTION At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a remote production solution ready to match the global nature of Apex Legends was necessary. Fora tools and Revo crew were employed rapidly to fill this need, having produced numerous...

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All the Marches

THE CHALLENGE Communicate the teaching points of ADL’s microaggression section from their youth anti-racism course. THE CONCEPT & SOLUTION Combining the performance of Braver Players performers and Anti-defamation League’s curriculum, this short film is all education. Cast & crew took the course from ADL in preparation for scripting and assuming the roles. This short film...

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Day N Night Festival

THE CHALLENGE Capture and highlight the music festival on social channels during and after the event. THE CONCEPT & SOLUTION Three days of nonstop music meant three days of nonstop content. The teams captured and communicated the fan experience at the event to drive further ticket sales for the final day where over 50,000 people...

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Netflix Panel Series

THE CHALLENGE Support Afterglow’s  production of Netflix’s global panel discussions, remotely. THE CONCEPT & SOLUTION Originally out of necessity and now from a place of unmatched convenience, the Revo team was tasked with developing production infrastructure for panel discussions taking place worldwide. Revo’s global team uniquely fits the needs of Afterglow Productions’ clients, including Netflix...

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Becoming a Complete Artist

THE CHALLENGE Reminding photographers of the final, crucial step in digital photography: the print. THE CONCEPT & SOLUTION Putting the work and the artist at the forefront, this three part social series was specifically crafted to an at-home production tone that kept the attention off of the big companies backing the project. This also meant...

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Let’s Play Apex Legends

THE CHALLENGE Remotely connect, record, and edit a live interview with Apex Legends gaming at the center. THE CONCEPT & SOLUTION Falloutt teams up with 2 ALGS pros in casual games of Apex Legends. While playing, Falloutt interviews the pros about their backstories, current events, inter-league drama, and gameplay expertise. This unscripted, off the cuff...

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